“Lipa remembers” – a historical exhibition marking the 80th anniversary of the martyrdom of Lipa
April 24 - May 2, 2024

The exhibition “Lipa Remembers” opens on Wednesday, April 24 at 12 pm, on the exhibition boards of Rijeka’s Korzo on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the martyrdom of Lipa. It opens to remind the people of Rijeka of Lipa’s suffering and invites them to come to Lipa on the occasion of the commemoration. It is a historical exhibition that focuses on the Nazi crime committed against the civilians of Lipa on April 30, 1944, but also looks back on the 80-year-old collective memory of Lipa. The exhibition will present photographic and documentary material and individual testimonies (narratives) of survivors discussing suffering and post-war reconstruction. For the first time, for example, the public will be presented with around 30 preserved photographs of the victims of Lipjan, which the Center collected over the past 9 years from the family archives of surviving fellow residents and their descendants, today scattered all over the world. At the same time, the exhibition highlights the example of Lipa as extremely positive in the context of national cultures commemorating the sufferings of the Second World War.

The program is financed by the funds of the Municipality of Matulji, the City of Rijeka, the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.

Authors of the exhibition: Vana Gović Marković, Tea Perinčić / Design: Cipmann

The exhibition can be viewed until May 2, 2024.


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