Museum of the Future – The Civic Museum Council as a model of participatory management
The project is being implemented within the framework of the European Social Fund, Effective Human Resources 2014-2020 Operational Programme, Priority Axis 4. Good Management, and it is oriented toward the development of good management in culture by enhancing cooperation between NGOs and the public sector.
The project is being carried forward by the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka in cooperation with five partners, the Žmergo Association, the Kombinat Creative Collective, the Centre for Talented Children, the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Centre for the Blind and the City of Rijeka Retiree Association, for the purpose of encouraging Museum employees, local and regional governments and NGOs to cooperate, mutually reinforce their capacity, network and develop innovative participatory management models in the field of culture.
Project activities include the formation and establishment of the Civic Museum Council as a platform that will open the way for the community to become involved in the Museum’s work and establish a model for cooperation between the cultural institution staff and civil society, the implementation of education to enhance capacity in the field of participatory management aimed at the NGO sector and employees in NGOs and the public sector. Project activities shall also entail promotional campaigns aimed at raising awareness of the importance of community participation in the creation of cultural content intended for that community.
The Civic Museum Council serves as an instrument to democratize the Museum, a platform that will organize civil society and allow the wider populace to become involved in and guide museum activities in line with its own needs. This model will simultaneously ensure essential communication between the Museum and the local community and facilitate the application of participativeness in the field of culture.
Project duration: 29 October 2018 – 29 June 2020.
Total project budget: HRK 742,896.03
The project is being co-financed by the European Union in an amount of 631,461.63, i.e., 85% non-returnable funds.
Project contact person: Vana Gović, senior curator, vana[at]
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