Right to the access of information

The catalogue of information is organised in accordance with the provisions of the law about the access of information (“Official Gazette” 172/03, 144/10, 37/11, 77/11) about the facilitation and insurance of the right to the access of information for all national and foreign natural and legal persons (from hereinafter: the user’s right to information) via open and public operations the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka (in Croatian: Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka) (from hereinafter: PPMHP), as an entity of public government whose programmes or activities are defined by law as a public interest and are wholly or partly financed from state budget or from the budget of entities of local and regional governments. The right to the access of information is achieved in the manner and procedure confirmed in the law of the right to the access of information, secondary legislation passed on the basis of the aforementioned law, as well as on the basis of other laws, secondary regulations and general acts. The right to the access of information includes the right of the user to search for and obtain information and the obligation of PPMHP is to enable access to the sought after information and that it regularly publishes information about it when there does not exist a special requirement for such a release constituting the obligation defined by the law or other general regulations. Information is considered as written, drawn, painted, printed, recorded, magnetic, optical, electronic or other records of data in an individual subject that makes up a substantial whole, and which the PPMHP owns, creates, manages and oversees.

Basic information about the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka

Title of the entity of public authority: Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka (PPMHP) (The Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka)
Headquarters: Muzejski trg 1, 51000 Rijeka
Director: Tea Perinčić Ph.D
Telephone: 051/213-578, 553-666, 553-667 Fax: 051/213-578 E-mail: uprava[at]; info[at]
Website: Registered number: 06230677933

PPMHP holds the status of a public institution and it performs its activity as a public service. The museum carries out it activity in accordance with the law about museums and the law of the protection of cultural heritage, and the museum councils network of other levels according to the law of museums (OG 142/98) and the regulations about the method and measures for integration into the system of museums of the Republic of Croatia (OG 120/02). The founder of the PPMHP is Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, and the rights and obligations of the founder are conducted by the Assembly of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County based on the resolution of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Class: 023-03/94-01-65, Registered number: 532-03-3/1-94-01 of 22nd February 1994. PPMHP possesses information that arises from the scope of the museum’s work. The activity of PPMHP includes:

  • the systematic collection, preservation and research of objects and collections important for history, the history of maritime affairs and culture, ethnography and archaeology of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and its peripheral regions.
  • expert and scientific analysis and systemisation into collections,
  • the permanent protection of museum material, museum documentation, museum localities and sites, their direct and indirect presentation to the public via permanent and temporary exhibitions.
  • the release of information and insights of the museum material and museum documentation via expert, scientific and other communicative media,
  • supplementary education of youngsters and adults in collaboration with educational and similar institutions
  • the restoration and conservation of objects,
  • photo laboratory operations and similar business and services,
  • the rental of free space, aids and museum materials for exhibitions, cultural and other purposes,
  • other business determined by law and the statute of PPMHP.

The contents of the PPMHP catalogue enables and provides users the right to the access of information about:

  • the general acts of the PPMHP (the statute, regulations, business and decisions which regulate certain issues from the activities of the PPMHP)
  • the work of the Administrative and Professional Council (minutes of meetings, decisions, conclusions)
  • the expenses of works and sources of finance (financial plans and reports)
  • museum activities (information about the activities and programmes)
  • museum material and museum documentation in accordance with the regulations with which the museum’s activity is determined, the Law of Museums (OG 142/98, OG 65/09) and the Regulations about the conditions and method of access to the museum’s documentation (OG 115/01)
  • documentation from obligatory-legal conditions with legal and private parties
  • tender documentation about the implementation procedures of public procurement

The method and time limits of achieving the right to the access of information
PPMHP informs the public about the organisation of work, the conditions of work and method of performing business from its activities by giving information by means of public announcements. In addition to this, users have the right to the access of information by the submission of an oral or written request to the PPMHP, or an information officer. The application form to achieve the right to the access of information is available at: and the Facebook page of the PPMHP. Written request:

  • By post to the museum’s address, Muzejski trg 1, 51 000 Rijeka
  • Via e-mail to uprava[at]
  • Via fax to +385 51 213-578

Oral request:

  • via telephone number: + 385 51213578
  • at the records office at the premises of the PPMHP on Monday and Wednesday from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.

If the request is in an oral form, it will be entered into the logbook, whilst if it is submitted via the telephone or other telecommunications device it will be entered in the official notes. PPMHP, in accordance with Article 19 of the Law about the right to the access of information, has the right to compensation from the users to the actual material costs as well as to the compensation of delivery costs for the requested information. PPMHP shall enable the applicant of an oral or written request access to the information within a time limit of 15 days after the receipt of the request, and in a method and within the deadlines prescribed in the law about the right to access of information. You can download a request form for the right to the access of information here as a doc or in pdf format. A report about received requests and the forwarded information in 2011 is here – pdf The decision about the structuring of the Catalogue of Information of the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka is here – pdf The decision about the determining of the information officer is here – pdf

Reports about activities

Report about activities from 2014 – I_PGZ_14.pdf

Report about activities from 2013 – I_MDC_13.pdf, I_PGZ_13.pdf

Report about activities from 2012 – I_MDC_12.pdf, I_PGZ_12.pdf

Report about activities from 2011 – I_MDC_11.pdf, I_PGZ_11.pdf

Report about activities from 2010 – I_MDC_10.pdf, I_PGZ_10.pdf

Report about activities from 2009 – I_MDC_09.pdf, I_PGZ_09.pdf

Report about activities from 2008 – I_MDC_08.pdf, I_PGZ_08.pdf

Report about activities from 2007 – I_MDC_07.pdf, I_PGZ_07.pdf

Report about activities from 2006 – I_MDC_06.pdf, I_PGZ_06.pdf

Report about activities from 2005 – I_PGZ_05.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2015 – P_PGZ_2015.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2014 – P_PGZ_2014.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2013 – P_PGZ_2013.pdf

Proposed three-year plan for the period 2013 – 2015 – P_PGZ_13_15.pdfReport about activities from 2014 – I_PGZ_14.pdf

Report about activities from 2013 – I_MDC_13.pdf, I_PGZ_13.pdf

Report about activities from 2012 – I_MDC_12.pdf, I_PGZ_12.pdf

Report about activities from 2011 – I_MDC_11.pdf, I_PGZ_11.pdf

Report about activities from 2010 – I_MDC_10.pdf, I_PGZ_10.pdf

Report about activities from 2009 – I_MDC_09.pdf, I_PGZ_09.pdf

Report about activities from 2008 – I_MDC_08.pdf, I_PGZ_08.pdf

Report about activities from 2007 – I_MDC_07.pdf, I_PGZ_07.pdf

Report about activities from 2006 – I_MDC_06.pdf, I_PGZ_06.pdf

Report about activities from 2005 – I_PGZ_05.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2015 – P_PGZ_2015.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2014 – P_PGZ_2014.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2013 – P_PGZ_2013.pdf

Proposed three-year plan for the period 2013 – 2015 – P_PGZ_13_15.pdfReport about activities from 2014 – I_PGZ_14.pdf

Report about activities from 2013 – I_MDC_13.pdf, I_PGZ_13.pdf

Report about activities from 2012 – I_MDC_12.pdf, I_PGZ_12.pdf

Report about activities from 2011 – I_MDC_11.pdf, I_PGZ_11.pdf

Report about activities from 2010 – I_MDC_10.pdf, I_PGZ_10.pdf

Report about activities from 2009 – I_MDC_09.pdf, I_PGZ_09.pdf

Report about activities from 2008 – I_MDC_08.pdf, I_PGZ_08.pdf

Report about activities from 2007 – I_MDC_07.pdf, I_PGZ_07.pdf

Report about activities from 2006 – I_MDC_06.pdf, I_PGZ_06.pdf

Report about activities from 2005 – I_PGZ_05.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2015 – P_PGZ_2015.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2014 – P_PGZ_2014.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2013 – P_PGZ_2013.pdf

Proposed three-year plan for the period 2013 – 2015 – P_PGZ_13_15.pdfReport about activities from 2014 – I_PGZ_14.pdf

Report about activities from 2013 – I_MDC_13.pdf, I_PGZ_13.pdf

Report about activities from 2012 – I_MDC_12.pdf, I_PGZ_12.pdf

Report about activities from 2011 – I_MDC_11.pdf, I_PGZ_11.pdf

Report about activities from 2010 – I_MDC_10.pdf, I_PGZ_10.pdf

Report about activities from 2009 – I_MDC_09.pdf, I_PGZ_09.pdf

Report about activities from 2008 – I_MDC_08.pdf, I_PGZ_08.pdf

Report about activities from 2007 – I_MDC_07.pdf, I_PGZ_07.pdf

Report about activities from 2006 – I_MDC_06.pdf, I_PGZ_06.pdf

Report about activities from 2005 – I_PGZ_05.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2015 – P_PGZ_2015.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2014 – P_PGZ_2014.pdf

Plan and activity programme from 2013 – P_PGZ_2013.pdf

Proposed three-year plan for the period 2013 – 2015 – P_PGZ_13_15.pdf

Public procurement

PLAN NABAVE za 2022. – pdf






PLAN NABAVE za 2021. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune PLANA NABAVE za 2020. – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune PLANA NABAVE za 2020. – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune PLANA NABAVE za 2020. – pdf

PLAN NABAVE za 2020. – pdf

V izmjene i dopune PLANA NABAVE za 2019. – pdf

IV. izmjene i dopune PLANA NABAVE za 2019. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune PLANA NABAVE za 2019. – pdf

II. izmjena i dopuna PLANA NABAVE za 2019. – pdf

I. dopune plana nabave 2019. – pdf

Plan nabave 2019-usvojen na MV – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2018. usvojene na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2018. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2018-usvojen na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dop. plana nabave za 2017. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2017. – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

Plan nabave 2016. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

Plan nabave 2015. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

Plan nabave 2014. – pdf

Plan nabave 2013. – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. + I Izmjene – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. – pdf

Procedura stvaranja ugovornih obveza – pdf

Procedura zaprimanja, provjere i plaćanja po računima – pdf

Uputa o postupanju u nabavi roba, radova i usluga bagatelne vrijednosti – pdf

Sukob interesa – izjave – pdf

Registar ugovora o javnoj nabavi – pdf

Changes and amendments to the Procurement Plan for 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2013 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 + changes – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 – pdf

Procedure of creating contractual obligations – pdf

Procedure of receiving, checking and paying accounts – pdf

Pravilnik o jednostavnoj nabavi – pdf

Instructions on handling the procurement of goods, works and services for minimal value – pdf

Conflict of interest – announce- pdf

The register of contracts of public procurement – pdfPlan nabave 2018-usvojen na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dop. plana nabave za 2017. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2017. – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

Plan nabave 2016. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

Plan nabave 2015. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

Plan nabave 2014. – pdf

Plan nabave 2013. – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. + I Izmjene – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. – pdf

Procedura stvaranja ugovornih obveza – pdf

Procedura zaprimanja, provjere i plaćanja po računima – pdf

Uputa o postupanju u nabavi roba, radova i usluga bagatelne vrijednosti – pdf

Sukob interesa – izjave – pdf

Registar ugovora o javnoj nabavi – pdf

Changes and amendments to the Procurement Plan for 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2013 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 + changes – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 – pdf

Procedure of creating contractual obligations – pdf

Procedure of receiving, checking and paying accounts – pdf

Pravilnik o jednostavnoj nabavi – pdf

Instructions on handling the procurement of goods, works and services for minimal value – pdf

Conflict of interest – announce- pdf

The register of contracts of public procurement – pdfPlan nabave 2018-usvojen na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dop. plana nabave za 2017. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2017. – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

Plan nabave 2016. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

Plan nabave 2015. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

Plan nabave 2014. – pdf

Plan nabave 2013. – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. + I Izmjene – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. – pdf

Procedura stvaranja ugovornih obveza – pdf

Procedura zaprimanja, provjere i plaćanja po računima – pdf

Uputa o postupanju u nabavi roba, radova i usluga bagatelne vrijednosti – pdf

Sukob interesa – izjave – pdf

Registar ugovora o javnoj nabavi – pdf

Changes and amendments to the Procurement Plan for 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2013 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 + changes – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 – pdf

Procedure of creating contractual obligations – pdf

Procedure of receiving, checking and paying accounts – pdf

Pravilnik o jednostavnoj nabavi – pdf

Instructions on handling the procurement of goods, works and services for minimal value – pdf

Conflict of interest – announce- pdf

The register of contracts of public procurement – pdfPlan nabave 2018-usvojen na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dop. plana nabave za 2017. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2017. – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

Plan nabave 2016. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

Plan nabave 2015. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

Plan nabave 2014. – pdf

Plan nabave 2013. – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. + I Izmjene – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. – pdf

Procedura stvaranja ugovornih obveza – pdf

Procedura zaprimanja, provjere i plaćanja po računima – pdf

Uputa o postupanju u nabavi roba, radova i usluga bagatelne vrijednosti – pdf

Sukob interesa – izjave – pdf

Registar ugovora o javnoj nabavi – pdf

Changes and amendments to the Procurement Plan for 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2013 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 + changes – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 – pdf

Procedure of creating contractual obligations – pdf

Procedure of receiving, checking and paying accounts – pdf

Pravilnik o jednostavnoj nabavi – pdf

Instructions on handling the procurement of goods, works and services for minimal value – pdf

Conflict of interest – announce- pdf

The register of contracts of public procurement – pdfPlan nabave 2018-usvojen na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dop. plana nabave za 2017. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2017. – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

Plan nabave 2016. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

Plan nabave 2015. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

Plan nabave 2014. – pdf

Plan nabave 2013. – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. + I Izmjene – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. – pdf

Procedura stvaranja ugovornih obveza – pdf

Procedura zaprimanja, provjere i plaćanja po računima – pdf

Uputa o postupanju u nabavi roba, radova i usluga bagatelne vrijednosti – pdf

Sukob interesa – izjave – pdf

Registar ugovora o javnoj nabavi – pdf

Changes and amendments to the Procurement Plan for 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2013 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 + changes – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 – pdf

Procedure of creating contractual obligations – pdf

Procedure of receiving, checking and paying accounts – pdf

Pravilnik o jednostavnoj nabavi – pdf

Instructions on handling the procurement of goods, works and services for minimal value – pdf

Conflict of interest – announce- pdf

The register of contracts of public procurement – pdfPlan nabave 2018-usvojen na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dop. plana nabave za 2017. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2017. – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

Plan nabave 2016. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

Plan nabave 2015. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

Plan nabave 2014. – pdf

Plan nabave 2013. – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. + I Izmjene – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. – pdf

Procedura stvaranja ugovornih obveza – pdf

Procedura zaprimanja, provjere i plaćanja po računima – pdf

Uputa o postupanju u nabavi roba, radova i usluga bagatelne vrijednosti – pdf

Sukob interesa – izjave – pdf

Registar ugovora o javnoj nabavi – pdf

Changes and amendments to the Procurement Plan for 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2013 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 + changes – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 – pdf

Procedure of creating contractual obligations – pdf

Procedure of receiving, checking and paying accounts – pdf

Pravilnik o jednostavnoj nabavi – pdf

Instructions on handling the procurement of goods, works and services for minimal value – pdf

Conflict of interest – announce- pdf

The register of contracts of public procurement – pdfPlan nabave 2018-usvojen na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dop. plana nabave za 2017. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2017. – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

Plan nabave 2016. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

Plan nabave 2015. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

Plan nabave 2014. – pdf

Plan nabave 2013. – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. + I Izmjene – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. – pdf

Procedura stvaranja ugovornih obveza – pdf

Procedura zaprimanja, provjere i plaćanja po računima – pdf

Uputa o postupanju u nabavi roba, radova i usluga bagatelne vrijednosti – pdf

Sukob interesa – izjave – pdf

Registar ugovora o javnoj nabavi – pdf

Changes and amendments to the Procurement Plan for 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2013 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 + changes – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 – pdf

Procedure of creating contractual obligations – pdf

Procedure of receiving, checking and paying accounts – pdf

Pravilnik o jednostavnoj nabavi – pdf

Instructions on handling the procurement of goods, works and services for minimal value – pdf

Conflict of interest – announce- pdf

The register of contracts of public procurement – pdfPlan nabave 2018-usvojen na MV – pdf

I. izmjene i dop. plana nabave za 2017. usvojene na MV – pdf

Plan nabave 2017. – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2016 – pdf

Plan nabave 2016. – pdf

III. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

II. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

I. Izmjene i dopune plana nabave 2015. – usvojen na UV – pdf

Plan nabave 2015. – pdf

III. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

II. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

I. izmjene i dopune Plana nabave za 2014 – pdf

Plan nabave 2014. – pdf

Plan nabave 2013. – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. + I Izmjene – pdf

Plan nabave 2012. – pdf

Procedura stvaranja ugovornih obveza – pdf

Procedura zaprimanja, provjere i plaćanja po računima – pdf

Uputa o postupanju u nabavi roba, radova i usluga bagatelne vrijednosti – pdf

Sukob interesa – izjave – pdf

Registar ugovora o javnoj nabavi – pdf

Changes and amendments to the Procurement Plan for 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2014 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2013 – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 + changes – pdf

Procurement Plan 2012 – pdf

Procedure of creating contractual obligations – pdf

Procedure of receiving, checking and paying accounts – pdf

Pravilnik o jednostavnoj nabavi – pdf

Instructions on handling the procurement of goods, works and services for minimal value – pdf

Conflict of interest – announce- pdf

The register of contracts of public procurement – pdf

Hire of museum space

The building of the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka, the former Governor’s Palace is known as unique space in the city of Rijeka, and there exists a continuing need and interest that, in conjunction with the museum’s activity, it is used for the holding of exhibitions, concerts, performances and promotions. For this purpose it is possible to rent the space of the Marble Hall and the museum’s Atrium to legal entities under special conditions in accordance with the Act of the Protection of Cultural Monuments and the statutory conditions from the museum. The Marble Hall – the former dance hall with good acoustic properties, a surface area of 180 m², two storeys high, the design the interior of which special attention has been dedicated. The walls are 3.6 m high and are lined with multicoloured marble panelling from a quarry in Carrara. The rich wall and arched stuccatura – cartouche, rocaille, acanthus, masks, stylised ornamentation – are the work of Antal Szabó, whilst the creators of the hanging and wall chandeliers are Mör Wiesinger, Laszlo Szapary and T.H. Schiffer. The hall is equipped with 200 chairs. The Atrium – is located on the first floor, and covers 300 m² of basic surface area, two storeys high. The glass skylight illuminates with the natural light the stately space which impresses with its spaciousness, wealth and splendour. STATUTORY CONDITIONS For the purpose of the protection of the museum’s space and materials the following rules apply:

  • smoking is forbidden in all areas of the museum
  • the lighting of a naked flame is forbidden in all areas of the museum
  • the preparation of food is forbidden in all areas of the museum
  • the use of museum exhibits is forbidden in all areas of the museum
  • it is forbidden to undertake any kind of work on the walls and floors which could lead to damage in all areas of the museum
  • it is forbidden to move existing exhibits in all areas of the museum
  • in all means of communication it is obligatory to use the full title of the institution – Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka (PPMHP) (ENG: the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka).


  • Marble Hall – 4,000 kuna
  • Atrium – 6,000 kuna
  • Marble Hall and Atrium – 10,000 kuna

NOTE: The prices relate to the use of the spaces on working days from 8am to 10pm. After those times and at the weekends the price is 50% higher. If the organisation of cultural events (promotions, concerts, presentations) is being considered then the museum allows a discount of 50% on the total price of the hire of the Marble Hall. You can download a request form for the use of the spaces here – doc and pdf Price list of rental space for recording for commercial purposes

  • exterior (courtyard, building) – 10.000,00 kuna
  • interior (the entrance, a small atrium, staircase and a large atrium) – 20.000,00 kuna

The decision – the determination of prices of rental space for recording for commercial purposes – pdf


Rules of procedure of the work of the museum’s professional council – pdf

Rules of procedure of the work of the special libraries at the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka – pdf

Regulations about the protection of the museum’s holdings – pdf

Regulations about the protection of archival and record office’s materials of the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka – pdf

Regulations about the content and method of managing the museum’s documentation about museum material – pdf

Regulations about the register of the museum, and the museums, galleries and collections within the institution and other legal entities – pdf

Regulations about the taking of professional exams in the museum profession – pdf
Regulations about the professional and technical standards for the determination of types of museums, for their work, and for the placing of museum material and museum documentation – pdf

Regulations about the method and measures for integration into the system of museums of the Republic of Croatia – pdf

Regulations about the internal organisation and method of work of the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka – pdf

Regulations Procedure of the museum – pdf

Regulations about fire protection – pdf

Awarding regulations – pdf

Access to the museum’s material and documentation
  • The conditions and method of gaining access to the museum’s material and documentation are confirmed in the regulations about the conditions and method of gaining access to museum material and documentation (OG number 115/01).
  • The museum’s materials and documentation is available for access for its scientific and technical processing, presentation, publication, for publicity purposes, and for teaching needs and other legitimate purposes.
  • Access to the museum’s material and documentation includes: a view of the material and documentation, the making of photocopies and copies of originals for the purpose of further expert and scientific analysis, publication and presentation.
  • Access to the museum’s material and documentation that has the purpose of its use for commercial purposes is regulated by a special agreement between the museum and the interested parties, in accordance with the museum’s acts and specific regulations.
  • To gain access to the museum’s material and documentation the interested person submits a written application in a special form which must contain the personal data, data about the place of residence, or data about the institution, the theme of the research and other purposes for the access of material and documentation.
  • Authorisation of the access of the museum’s material and documentation is given by the director or manager of the museum, no later than 15 days after the receipt of the request.
  • The authorisation of the access to the museum’s material and documentation is valid only to the person who made the request, and they sign that they are familiar with the method and conditions of access to the museum’s material and documentation.
  • Access to the museum’s material and documentation can be temporarily denied if it is damaged, if it is being technically processed or if access has been approved to another person.
  • The museum’s material and documentation are usually available to access in the form of copies and photographs.
  • If copies or photographs don’t exist, the museum is bound to the request of the user, and with the prior approval of the director or manager of the museum, to organise the copying of the source material and documentation, at the expense of the applicant of the request.
  • The user is obliged to cite the source and ownership of the data, i.e. the museum, in publications and professional papers which uses the museum’s material and documentation
  • For the publication of museum material and documentation the user is obliged to request specific written permission from the director or manager of the museum.
  • In the case that the used material and documentation is published, the user is bound to submit three samples of the publication in which the material or documentation is published.

The request for access to the museum’s material or documentation can be downloaded here as doc and pdf.

Conditions of use

Upon using this service you agree to and understand the following:

1. The authors of this site assume no responsibility for the way that our visitors use the programmes, information found on our web pages or to pages that are connected by links outside the domain of

2. Upon entering this site you agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit for commercial purposes, any part of the services that we provide.

3. PPMHP reserves the right to change the conditions of use, discontinue work (temporarily or permanently) or change the method of work without prior notice at any time.

4. is not responsible for any eventual damage caused by the use of information or programmes downloaded from these pages or the use of pages outside of our domain which are connected via a link.

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Financijska izvješća


Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2021.g. ref.stranica – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2021.g. PR-RAS – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2021. g. BIL – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2021. RASF – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2021. P-VRIO – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještja za 2021.g. Obveze – pdf

Obvezne bilješke uz BIL 2021. – pdf

Bilješke uz financijski izvještaj za 2021.g. – pdf


Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2020.g. ref.stranica – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2020.g. PR-RAS – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2020. g. BIL – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2020. RASF – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2020. P-VRIO – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještja za 2020.g. Obveze – pdf

Obvezne bilješke uz BIL 2020. – pdf

Bilješke uz financijski izvještaj za 2020.g. – pdf


Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2019.g. ref.stranica – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2019.g. PR-RAS – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2019. g. BIL – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2019. RASF – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2019. P-VRIO – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještja za 2019.g. Obveze – pdf

Obvezne bilješke uz BIL 2019. – pdf

Bilješke uz obveze 2019. – pdf

Bilješke uz financijski izvještaj za 2019.g. – pdf


Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2018. – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2018. RasF – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2018. PVRIO – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2018. PRRAS – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2018. Obv – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2018. Bil – pdf

Bilješke _tablice BIL 2018. – pdf

Biilješke _Obveze_tablica 2018. – pdf


Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2017. – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2017. RasF – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2017. PVRIO – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2017. PRRAS – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2017. Obv – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2017. Bil – pdf

Bilješke _tablice BIL 2017. – pdf

Biilješke _Obveze_tablica 2017. – pdf


Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2016. – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2016. RasF – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2016. PVRIO – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2016. PRRAS – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2016. Obv – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2016. Bil – pdf


Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2015. – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2015. RasF – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2015. PVRIO – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2015. PRRAS – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2015. Obv – pdf

Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2015. Bil – pdf


Obrasci financijskog izvještaja za 2014. – pdf

Referentna stranica – financijskog izvještaja za 2014. – pdf

Obrazac PR-RAS za konsolidaciju 2014. – pdf

Referentna stranica – obrazac PR-RAS – pdf

Strategija razvoja
Odluka o produženju strategije – pdf

Strateški plan razvoja muzeja 2016.-2020. – pdf

Komunikacijska strategija Plana razvoja PPMHP – pdf


The founder of the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka is Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.

Zaštita osobnih podataka

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Građansko muzejsko vijeće

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Izjava o pristupačnosti

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Upravno vijeće

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Upravno vijeće - arhiva

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Museum Statute
Here you can download the statute of the Museum.


Events in December

Events in December

THE GOVERNOR'S PALACE Trg Riccarda Zanelle 1, Rijeka Hours: Mon: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Tue-Sat: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sun: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Closed on holidays. MIRACLE ROOM The workshops for young creators are held in the Miracle Room at the Maritime and History Museum of the...

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Events in December

Events in November

THE GOVERNOR'S PALACE Trg Riccarda Zanelle 1, Rijeka Hours: Mon: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Tue-Sat: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sun: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Closed on holidays. MIRACLE ROOM The workshops for young creators are held in the Miracle Room at the Maritime and History Museum of the...

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Events in December

Events in October

THE GOVERNOR'S PALACE Trg Riccarda Zanelle 1, Rijeka Hours: Mon: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Tue-Sat: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sun: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Closed on holidays. MIRACLE ROOM The workshops for young creators are held in the Miracle Room at the Maritime and History Museum of the...

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