Presentation of the Little museum encyclopaedia, book 2 and opening of an exhibition of the works presented in the encyclopaedia

Marble Hall of the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka, 8 December 2022 at 5 p.m.
the exhibition will remain open until 5 January 2023

publisher: Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka
for the publisher: Nikolina Radić Štivić
project creator and editor: Denis Nepokoj
language supervision: Mihaela Matešić
photographs: Hrvoje Franjić, Rino Gropuzzo, Museum Archives
designer: Vesna Rožman
printer: Printera Grupa, Sveta Nedelja

“The Little Museum Encyclopaedia, Book 2” is a new publishing project by the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka tied to the museum’s educational and exhibition activities and the second museum publication in which the materials on exhibit in the museum’s permanent display are presented encyclopaedically. The project was initiated in 2018, prompted by the exhibition “Bertuch’s Pictorial Empire – Discover the Secrets of the Children’s Encyclopaedia” staged by the Croatian School Museum and creator Kristina Gverić. It presented part of the seven almost entirely preserved volumes of Bertuch’s encyclopaedia for children published in the first decade of the 19th century. Outstanding illustrations and clear explanations served as Bertuch’s foundation to prepare his encyclopaedia, and they were the point of departure for this first and now this second edition of the ‘Little Museum Encyclopaedia’. Upper-grade pupils from the Brajda, Belveder, Fran Franković, Klana, Podmurvice and Srdoči Primary Schools, and participants in the Little Museum Atelier/MuMa and the LIADA Art and Research Atelier for Gifted Primary School Pupils participated in its creation.
The presentation will be accompanied by the opening of an exhibition of the works published in the encyclopaedia.
The United Choir of the First Rijeka Croatian Classics Gymnasium and the Andrija Mohorovičić Classics Gymnasium, under the direction of Prof. Helga Dukarić Dangubić, will perform at the presentation of the Little Museum Encyclopaedia.


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