Općina Matulji raspisuje, a Hrvatsko dizajnersko društvo provodi ograničeni, dvostupanjski, anonimni Natječaj za dizajn vizualnog identiteta, signalistike i postava zbirke 'Lipa pamti'. Pozivamo interdisciplinarne timove da prijave interes za sudjelovanje u natječaju...
Lipa (EN)
Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers NewsPermanent exibitionStalni postav Memorijalnog centra Lipa pamti koncepcijski se nastavlja na postav bivšeg Spomen muzeja (1968. – 1989.) u cilju održavanja muzeografskog kontinuiteta. Stari postav nastao je kao rezultat suradnje...
[:hr]Komemoracija “Lipa pamti” 30. travnja 2016. – Pozivnica
Notice about the working hours of the Memorial Center Lipa pamti
Today, the 5th. March, the Memorial Center is closed to the public due to illness. Thank you for understanding.
Događanja u Lipnju
LOKACIJA GUVERNEROVA PALAČA Trg Riccarda Zanelle 1, Rijeka radno vrijeme: ponedjeljak od 9 do 16; utorak – subota od 9 do 20, nedjelja od 9 do 13 h Muzej je praznicima i blagdanima zatvoren. IZLOŽBA AFIYET OLSUN – JELA IZ TURSKE MEZOPOTAMIJE organizator:...
Public call for art projects in public space – Recognition of absence 2022
Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka (Memorial center Lipa Remembers) announces PUBLIC CALL FOR TEMPORARY ART PROJECTS IN PUBLIC SPACE entitled RECOGNITION OF ABSENCE Application deadline: 30/08/22 DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM:...
Visit us
Plan your visit to one of the Museum's locationsPlan your visitGovernor’s Palace – Museum seatTrg Riccarda Zanelle 151000 RijekaHours Monday: 9 am – 4 pmTuesday-Saturday: 9 am – 8 pmSunday: 9 am – 1 pmclosed on national and public holidaysAdmission HRK 30 (3,98 €)–...
The latest guidelines related to the Corona virus Explore the museum with the appMaritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Governor’s PalaceMemorial Centre Lipa RemembersThe Museum Collection of the...
Public Call for artists
Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka (Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers) announces this PUBLIC CALL FOR SUBMISSION OF TEMPORARY ART INSTALLATIONS IN THE PUBLIC SPACE under the theme RECOGNIZING THE ABSENCE. Submission deadline:...
Public Call for Art Installations in the public space – Recognizing the Absence 2020
Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka (Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers) announces this PUBLIC CALL FOR SUBMISSION OF TEMPORARY ART INSTALLATIONS IN THE PUBLIC SPACE under the theme RECOGNIZING THE ABSENCE. Submission deadline: 30 August 2020...
Public Call for Art Installations in the public space – Recognizing the Absence
Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka (Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers) announces this PUBLIC CALL FOR SUBMISSION OF TEMPORARY ART INSTALLATIONS IN THE PUBLIC SPACE under the theme RECOGNIZING THE ABSENCE. Submission deadline: 25 August 2019...
Public call for art installations
Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers (Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka) announces this PUBLIC CALL FOR SUBMISSION OF TEMPORARY ART INSTALLATIONS IN THE PUBLIC SPACE under the theme RECOGNIZING THE ABSENCE. Submission deadline: 25 July...
Public Call for Art Installations in the public space – Recognizing the Absence
Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers (Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka) announces this PUBLIC CALL FOR SUBMISSION OF TEMPORARY ART INSTALLATIONS IN THE PUBLIC SPACE under the theme RECOGNIZING THE ABSENCE. Submission deadline: 25 July 2018 PROGRAM...
Noć muzeja 2017. – Vreme j’ da već zakantamo!
Noć muzeja 2017. U petak, 27. siječnja, s početkom u 18.00 sati Memorijalni centar Lipa pamti ugostiti će 12. po redu Noć muzeja - manifestaciju koja već tradicionalno povezuje gotovo sve nacionalne muzeje, a ove godine to čini temom Glazba i glazbeni velikani i...
Radionice povodom 7. Dana antifašizma u Opatiji
Dana 3. ožujka, povodom 7. Dana antifašizma u Opatiji, u Memorijalnom centru Lipa pamti održana je radionica za opatijske srednjoškolce. Radionici na temu prikaz zločina u muzejskom postavu prisustvovali su učenici opatijske Gimnazije Eugen Kumičić,...
Noć muzeja 2016.
Memorijalni centar Lipa pamti pridružuje se manifestaciji Noć muzeja koja će se u petak, 29. siječnja, održati po jedanaesti put. Program Noći muzeja biti će u znaku obilježavanja 27. siječnja kao Međunarodnog dana sjećanja na žrtve holokausta, a uključivati će...