Riječki brodar u sedamdesetim i osamdesetim godinama 20. st.

Razdoblje posljednjih dvaju desetljeća prije raspada SFRJ bilo je izuzetno u poslovanju riječkog brodara Jugolinije. To je period kada Jugolinija naručuje gradnje najvećih brodova duge plovidbe i u domaćim brodogradilištima poput Uljanika u Puli i riječkog 3. maja. Jedan od takvih brodova bio je i motorni brod Senj, čija maketa krasi prostor ove izložbe, a koji je bio jedna od prvih gradnji sedamdesetih godina 20. st. Istina, izgrađen je u inozemstvu, u brodogradilištu Breda u Margheri 1972. godine, kao gradnja br. 268. Porinut je 1971., a Jugoliniji je predan 1972. Plovio je na linijama za Daleki istok, a od 1984. za Južnu Ameriku – Pacifik i od 1992. za Južnu Ameriku – Atlantik. MB Senj bio je dugačak 146,50 m, širok 21,0 m i visine 8,70 m. Imao je 9715 BRT. U sastavu flote Jugolinije, odnosno Croatia Linea, bio je do 1995., kada je prodan. Uz motorni brod Senj zanimljive nam podatke donose sačuvani brodski dnevnici motornih brodova Titograd i Zvir. Štoviše, u fundusu PPMHP-a sačuvano je oko petnaest godišta brodskih dnevnika MB Titograd, tako da se na taj način može istražiti gotovo cijela njegova plovidbena povijest.

The Rijeka shipping company in the 1970s and 1980s

The period of two decades before the collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was exceptional in the business of Rijeka’s shipping company Jugolinija. This is the period when Jugolinija ordered the construction of the largest ships for long distance navigation in local shipyards such as Uljanik in Pula and Rijeka’s 3. maj. One such ship was the motor ship Senj, the model of which adorns this exhibition, and which was one of the first built in the 1970s. True, it was built abroad, in the Breda shipyard in Marghera under the construction number 268. It was launched in 1971 and completed and handed over to Jugolinija in 1972. It sailed routes to the Far East, and from 1984 to South America–the Pacific and from 1992 South America-Atlantic. The MB Senj was 146.5 m long, 32 m wide and 8.7 m high. It had 9,715 GRT. It was in the Jugolinija fleet, i.e. Croatia Line, until 1995, when it was sold. Along with the MB Senj some interesting information is provided by the preserved ships’ logbooks of the motor ships Titograd and Zvir. Moreover, in the holdings of this museum there are about fifteen vintage ship’s logs from the MB Titograd stored, and therefore it is possible to research almost the whole of its navigational history.

Određeni dio brodovlja nekadašnje sušačke plovidbe i dalje je bio u mogućnosti ploviti. Neki od najpoznatijih brodova, kao što je bio Prestolonaslednik Petar, izvučeni su iz mora i obnovljeni u potpunosti. No izuzetan parobrod bio je brod Bakar. Prije rata u sastavu Jadranske plovidbe d. d. Sušak, brod je tijekom rata svašta proživio, a nakon kapitulacije Italije prešao je pod upravu Narodnooslobodilačke vojske Jugoslavije. Tijekom 1943./1944. bio je skriven od njemačkih snaga na otoku Braču. U rujnu 1943. s Visa je zaplovio prema talijanskom Bariju, kamo je prevezao ranjenike i izbjeglice, a na Vis se iz Barija vratio sredinom listopada. To je bila prva povijesna plovidba između istočne obale Jadrana i Apeninskog poluotoka u ratu. Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata postao je sastavnim dijelom flote Jadrolinije. Plovio je do 1965., kada je razrezan u splitskom Brodospasu. Na izložbi ističemo nacrte i preslike nacrta broda Bakar, a također i jedan njegov spasilački pojas. Osim Bakra i drugi su predratni parobrodi bili važni za stasanje Jadrolinije kao nacionalnog brodara obalne plovidbe.

A certain part of the fleet of the former Sušačka Plovidba was still able to sail. Some of the most well-known ships, such as the Prestolonaslednik Petar, were taken from the sea and renovated completely. However the Bakar was an exceptional ship. Before the war it was in the fleet of Jadranska Plovidba d.d. Sušak, during the war the ship experienced all kinds of things, and after the capitulation of Italy it fell under the authority of the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. During 1943-44 it was hidden from German forces on the island of Brač. In September 1943 it sailed from Vis towards Bari in Italy, where it transported the wounded and refugees, and it returned to Vis from Bari in the middle of October. This was the first historical sailing between the east coast of the Adriatic and the Apennine peninsular in the war. After World War II it became an integral part of the Jadrolinija fleet. It sailed until 1965, when it was scrapped in Split’s Brodospas. In the exhibition we have highlighted drawings and copies of drawings of the ship Bakar, as well as one of its lifebelts. Besides the Bakar other pre-war steamships were also important for the growth of Jadrolinija as the national shipping company for coastal navigation.

No i za novog brodara duge plovidbe, Jugoliniju, presudna je bila važnost starih predratnih parobroda. Upravo su prve godine nakon Drugog svjetskog rata istaknule velik značaj parobroda nekadašnjih sušačkih brodara, među kojima su za obnovu Jugolinijine flote važni bili stari parobrodi Biokovo, Sutjeska, Kornat, Gorica i Durmitor. Oni su gotovo do sredine pedesetih godina bili nositelji duge plovidbe, dok Jugolinija nije potpuno stasala i započela s nabavkom novih brodova poput Rijeke, Zadra, Pule, Titograda, Trebinja i ostalih.

However the importance of the old pre-war steamships was also crucial for the new long distance shipping company, Jugolinija. In fact the first years after World War II underlined the great significance of the steamships of the former Sušak shipping companies, amongst which for the restoration of Jugolinija fleet the old steamships Biokovo, Sutjeska, Kornat, Gorica and Durmitor were important. Almost until the mid-1950s they were long distance carriers, whilst Jugolinija had not totally grown and began with the procurement of new ships such as the Rijeka, Zadar, Pula, Titograd, Trebinje and others.

Razdoblje pedesetih i šezdesetih godina 20. st.

Prvo desetljeće nakon Drugog svjetskog rata još je vrijeme obnove flote i postupne stabilizacije novog brodara na svjetskom tržištu. Jugoslavenska linijska plovidba svoju je flotu prvenstveno temeljila na starim parobrodima, građenima još prije Drugog svjetskog rata. Na prikazanim fotografijama dominiraju brodovi poput parobroda Gorica, Beograd, Sutjeska, Hrvatska, Tara, Kornat, Lošinj, Durmitor te, s kraja pedesetih godina, Bosna i Kastav, čije brodske dnevnike iz fundusa PPMHP-a i ističemo na izložbi. Parobrodi su većinom plovili na linijama prema zapadnoj i sjevernoj Europi i Americi, a o tome nam svjedoče i prekrasne fotografije studija Skyfoto iz Kenta, Velika Britanija.

The period of the 1950s and 1960s

The first decade after World War II was still the time of the reconstruction of the fleet and the gradual stabilisation of the new shipping company on the global market. Jugoslavenska Linijska Plovidba based its fleet primarily on old steamships, built before World War II. In the presented photographs ships like the Gorica, Beograd, Sutjeska, Hrvatska, Tara, Kornat, Lošinj, Durmitor dominate, and at the end of the 1950s, the Bosna and Kastav, whose ships’ logs from the holdings of the museum we have also put on show. Steamships mostly sailed on routes towards Western and Northern Europe and America, and this can be seen in the beautiful photographs of the Skyfoto Studio from Kent, Great Britain.

Krajem četrdesetih godina Jugolinija je imala dva parobroda koji su na poseban način obilježili poslijeratnu povijest: teretni brod Radnik i putnički Partizanka. Radnik je izgrađen još 1908. u brodogradilištu Newport News, sa 6665 BRT i nosivosti od 7437 T. Imao je odvojene muške i ženske spavaonice, a prvih je godina nakon rata prevozio teret koji su iseljenici iz prijeratne Jugoslavije slali u domovinu. Inače je kupljen 1947. kao bivši Cirikoff (matične luke San Francisco). Parobrod Radnik poznat je po tome što je kao prvi brod iz riječke luke, a također i iz Splita i Trsta, preuzeo grupu židovskih iseljenika koji su putovali prema svojoj novoj domovini Izraelu. Dana 26. veljače 1948. brod prvi put pristaje u riječkoj luci, gdje su dočeku prisustvovale stotine ljudi. Radnik je tijekom 1947. prevozio i iseljenike iz Kanade u Jugoslaviju. Prvi putnički parobrod duge plovidbe koji je pripadao novom brodaru Jugoliniji bila je Partizanka. Jugolinija ju je kupila kao City of Lisbon, a izgrađena je 1927. u brodogradilištu Newport News u Marylandu, SAD. Partizanka je također bila poznati iseljenički parobrod kao i Radnik. Imala je 6209 BRT i 9500 T nosivosti. Svečano je dočekana u dolasku u splitsku luku 2. prosinca 1947. godine. No Partizanka, nažalost, nije imala dugu budućnost: izgorjela je u požaru u brodogradilištu Split u drugoj polovici 1949.

At the end of the 1940s Jugolinija had two steamships which in a special way marked post-war history: the cargo ship Radnik and the passenger ship Partizanka. The Radnik was built back in 1908 in the Newport News shipyard, with 6,665 GRT and a transport capacity of 7,437 tonnes. It had separated male and female sleeping quarters, and in the first years after the war it transported cargo which emigrants from pre-war Yugoslavia sent home. Anyway it was bought in 1947 as the ex-Cirikoff (home port of San Francisco). The steamship Radnik is famous as the first ship from the port of Rijeka, as well as from Split and Trieste, to take a group of Jewish emigrants who were travelling to their new homeland of Israel. On 26th February 1948 the ship docked for the first time in Rijeka’s port, where hundreds of people attended the reception. During 1947 the Radnik also transported emigrants from Canada to Yugoslavia. The first long distance steamship which belonged to the new shipping company Jugolinija was the Partizanka. Jugolinija bought it as the City of Lisbon, and it was built in 1927 in the Newport News shipyard in Maryland, USA. The Partizanka was also known as an emigrant steamship like the Radnik. It had 6,209 GRT and a 9,500 T transport capacity. It was ceremoniously greeted upon its arrival in the port of Split on 2nd December 1947. Unfortunately, however the Partizanka did not have a long future: it was destroyed in a fire in the Split shipyard in the second half of 1949.

Nakon gradnje prvog motornog broda u brodogradilištu 3. maj, MB Zagreb, Jugolinija kreće u potpunu obnovu flote. Grade se redom Rijeka, Zadar, Titograd i Pula. No sve do početka šezdesetih godina u uporabi su još i neki parobrodi. O tome nam kazuju i izloženi brodski dnevnici parobroda Bosna i Kastav iz fundusa PPMHP-a. Brodski dnevnik parobroda Kastav vodio je poručnik Mario Salata od 1959. do 1960. godine. Dnevnik parobroda Bosna vođen je u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 1959. do 12. ožujka 1960. Dnevnik je vodio zapovjednik broda, koji je svakodnevno upisivao podatke o plovidbi, dolasku u luke, iskrcaju tereta, poslovima i dužnostima posade i sl. Uredno je bilježio datume za vrijeme plovidbe i tijekom boravka u luci. Na vrhu stranice nalazi se oznaka pečata s nazivom broda. Parobrod Bosna pripadao je brodaru Jugolinija Rijeka, a sagrađen je 1926.

After the construction of the first motor ship, MB Zagreb in the 3. maj shipyard, Jugolinija began the complete restoration of the fleet. One by one were built the Rijeka, Zadar, Titograd and Pula. However right up until the start of the 1960s some steamships were still in use. This is shown to us in the ships’ logbooks of the steamships Bosna and Kastav from the holdings of this museum. The ship’s logbook from the Kastav was led by Mario Salata from 1959 to 1960. The logbook of the steamship Bosna was kept from 1st January 1959 until 12th March 1960. The commander of the ship kept the ship’s logbook, in which he recorded information about navigation, port arrivals, the unloading of cargo, the business and duties of the crew and so on. He precisely noted the dates for the time of sailings and duration of stays in ports. At the top of the page is the mark of the stamp with the title of the ship. The steamship Bosna belonged to the shipping company Jugolinija Rijeka, and was built in 1926.

Do kraja šezdesetih godina Jugolinija je sve više obnavljala flotu i širila svoje linije na sve strane svijeta. Uspostavljene su linije za Ameriku, Daleki istok, Australiju i jugoistočnu Aziju. Također je to već period kada će se i sve veći broj Jugolinijih brodova graditi u domaćim brodogradilištima. Prvi putnički parobrod duge plovidbe koji je pripadao novom brodaru Jugoliniji bila je Partizanka. Jugolinija ju je kupila kao City of Lisbon, a izgrađena je 1927. u brodogradilištu Newport News u Marylandu, SAD. Partizanka je također bila poznati iseljenički parobrod kao i Radnik. Imala je 6209 BRT i 9500 T nosivosti. Svečano je dočekana u dolasku u splitsku luku 2. prosinca 1947. godine. No Partizanka, nažalost, nije imala dugu budućnost: izgorjela je u požaru u brodogradilištu Split u drugoj polovici 1949.

By the end of the 1960s Jugolinija had increasingly restored its fleet and widened its routes to all parts of the world. Routes to America, the Far East, Australia and South East Asia were established. This was also the period when the greatest number of Jugolinija’s ships would be built in local shipyards. The first long distance steamship which belonged to the new shipping company Jugolinija was the Partizanka. Jugolinija bought it as the City of Lisbon, and it was built in 1927 in the Newport News shipyard in Maryland, USA. The Partizanka was also known as an emigrant steamship like the Radnik. It had 6,209 GRT and a 9,500 T transport capacity. It was ceremoniously greeted upon its arrival in the port of Split on 2nd December 1947. Unfortunately, however the Partizanka did not have a long future: it was destroyed in a fire in the Split shipyard in the second half of 1949.

Nakon gradnje prvog motornog broda u brodogradilištu 3. maj, MB Zagreb, Jugolinija kreće u potpunu obnovu flote. Grade se redom Rijeka, Zadar, Titograd i Pula. No sve do početka šezdesetih godina u uporabi su još i neki parobrodi. O tome nam kazuju i izloženi brodski dnevnici parobroda Bosna i Kastav iz fundusa PPMHP-a. Brodski dnevnik parobroda Kastav vodio je poručnik Mario Salata od 1959. do 1960. godine. Dnevnik parobroda Bosna vođen je u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 1959. do 12. ožujka 1960. Dnevnik je vodio zapovjednik broda, koji je svakodnevno upisivao podatke o plovidbi, dolasku u luke, iskrcaju tereta, poslovima i dužnostima posade i sl. Uredno je bilježio datume za vrijeme plovidbe i tijekom boravka u luci. Na vrhu stranice nalazi se oznaka pečata s nazivom broda. Parobrod Bosna pripadao je brodaru Jugolinija Rijeka, a sagrađen je 1926. Do kraja šezdesetih godina Jugolinija je sve više obnavljala flotu i širila svoje linije na sve strane svijeta. Uspostavljene su linije za Ameriku, Daleki istok, Australiju i jugoistočnu Aziju. Također je to već period kada će se i sve veći broj Jugolinijih brodova graditi u domaćim brodogradilištima.

After the construction of the first motor ship, MB Zagreb in the 3. maj shipyard, Jugolinija began the complete restoration of the fleet. One by one were built the Rijeka, Zadar, Titograd and Pula. However right up until the start of the 1960s some steamships were still in use. This is shown to us in the ships’ logbooks of the steamships Bosna and Kastav from the holdings of this museum. The ship’s logbook from the Kastav was led by Mario Salata from 1959 to 1960. The logbook of the steamship Bosna was kept from 1st January 1959 until 12th March 1960. The commander of the ship kept the ship’s logbook, in which he recorded information about navigation, port arrivals, the unloading of cargo, the business and duties of the crew and so on. He precisely noted the dates for the time of sailings and duration of stays in ports. At the top of the page is the mark of the stamp with the title of the ship. The steamship Bosna belonged to the shipping company Jugolinija Rijeka, and was built in 1926. By the end of the 1960s Jugolinija had increasingly restored its fleet and widened its routes to all parts of the world. Routes to America, the Far East, Australia and South East Asia were established. This was also the period when the greatest number of Jugolinija’s ships would be built in local shipyards.