Brodarstvo u novoj državi

Prilike u novostvorenoj državi Kraljevini SHS od samog se početka nisu povoljno razvijale za trgovačko brodarstvo općenito, pa tako i za brodare grada Rijeke. Presudni utjecaj na riječko brodarstvo imala je mirovna konferencija u Parizu tijekom 1919., a zatim i sporazum između predstavnika Kraljevine SHS Ante Trumbića i Kraljevine Italije Pietra Bertolinija iz 1920.

Shipping industry in the new state

Conditions in the newly-formed state of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes from the very beginning were not favourably developed for merchant shipping in general, and nor for the shipping companies of the city of Rijeka. The Paris Peace Conference during 1919 had a decisive influence on Rijeka’s shipping industry, as did the agreement between the representatives of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Ante Trumbić, and the Kingdom of Italy, Pietro Bertolini, from 1920.

Konačna podjela flote nekadašnje austrougarske trgovačke mornarice završena je i podjelom grada Rijeke između dviju država Rimskim ugovorima 1924. godine.

The final division of the fleet of the former Austro-Hungarian merchant navy was completed and the division of the city of Rijeka between the two countries with the Treaty of Rome in 1924.

Sporazumom je utvrđeno da će Kraljevini Italiji pripasti 8 brodarskih društava iz Rijeke, i to nekih najvećih kao Adria, Levante i Oriente s 56 parobroda, odnosno 127 827 BRT, dok su Kraljevini SHS pripali brodovi nekadašnje Ungaro-Croate i Brodarskog društva Senj, i to 49 parobroda s 27 893 BRT. Odnosno, od cjelokupne trgovačke flote nekadašnje Austro-Ugarske Monarhije Kraljevina SHS dobila je 138 brodova sa 117 162 BRT, a Kraljevina Italija 257 brodova sa 680 586 BRT.

With the agreement it was confirmed that 8 shipping societies from Rijeka would belong to the Kingdom of Italy, and they were some of the largest such as Adria, Levante and Oriente with 56 steamships, or 127,827 GRT, whilst the ships of the former Ungaro-Croata and the Senj Shipping Society went to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, and they were 49 steamships with 27,893 GRT. Respectively, of the overall merchant fleet of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes received 138 ships with 117,162 GRT, and the Kingdom of Italy 257 ships with 680,586 GRT.

Nakon 1920. godine stvoreni su preduvjeti da se u sušačkom dijelu Rijeke formiraju domaći brodari. Velik dio brodova, poglavito male obalne plovidbe, koji je ostao u vlasništvu Kraljevine SHS pripao je od 1922. godine brodaru Jadranska plovidba d. d. Sušak, koja je nastala fuzioniranjem nekadašnjih brodara: Jadranska plovidba Sušak, Dioničko parobrodarsko društvo Oceania Trst, Austro-hrvatsko parobrodarsko društvo na dionice Punat, Obalna paroplovidba s. o. j. Dubrovnik, Društvo Dalmatia Split i Hrvatsko parobrodarsko društvo Senj.

After 1920 preconditions were created in the Sušak part of Rijeka for local shipping companies to be established. A great part of the ships, mainly for small coastal navigation, which remained in the ownership of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes from 1922 went to the shipping company Jadranska Plovidba d.d. Sušak, which came into existence with the merger of the former shipping companies: Jadranska Plovidba Sušak, Dioničko Parobrodarsko Društvo Oceania Trst, Austro-hrvatsko Parobrodarsko društvo na dionice Punat, Obalna Paroplovidba s. o. j. Dubrovnik, Društvo Dalmatia Split and Hrvatsko Parobrodarsko Društvo Senj.